
As part of Spinal Health Week 2017 (22-28 May 2017, local chiropractors are raising awareness of chronic back pain and encouraging Australians to seek help. Spinal Health Week is a health initiative of the Chiropractors’ Association of Australia and as part of this year’s campaign, our chiropractors, Dr. Josh Cutrell, Dr. Ursula Maher, and Dr. Steven […]

Every day, more and more Australians experience disabling low back pain, neck pain and headaches, limiting their ability to work and engage in an active healthy life. A key reason for this is the impact that increasingly sedentary lifestyles have on postural fitness. Think about all the hours we each spend each day sitting at […]

How do you sit?

Sitting wrong affects your spinal health Over HALF of your day is spent sitting. Your body will adapt to cater to what you do most often. When your body adapts to constant sitting it makes you less skilled at basic functions like standing, walking, running and jumping. Sitting all day can result in muscle stiffness, poor […]

Chiropractic care during pregnancy makes sense according to research

Alcohol Research has consistently shown that alcohol, even in small amounts, is dangerous to your developing baby. One large scale study in the United States concluded that the only safe level of alcohol during pregnancy is zero. In Australia,  The National Health and Medical Research Council recommends that not drinking during pregnancy is the only safe option. Making the […]

A subluxation is when one or more of the bones of your spine (vertebrae) move out of position and create pressure on, or irritate spinal nerves.